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The Right Towing Company Will Make a Difference

When you find yourself broke down on the side of the road and there is no way to fix your vehicle, it’s a scary feeling. No one wants to be in this situation but it does happen to most everyone at some point. When it happens to you or a loved one, the right towing company will make a difference and this is one reason so many drivers have roadside assistance.

When you have this service with a plan that covers towing, you don’t have to worry about finding someone to move your vehicle. This is something that they will do for you. The roadside assistance company that you selected will already have a list of dependable towing companies available for the area where you’re located. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about trying to figure out whom to call.

They will also make the calls for you to find out which company is closest and which one can get there the fastest. Once you make the initial call to your representative, you can sit back, relax and wait for the tow truck to arrive.

If you’re calling someone on your own and you’re not in an area that you’re familiar with, the company you choose may not be dependable. They may take hours before showing up leaving you and your family stranded on the side of the road needlessly.

Another problem with just picking a name out of the phone book is that you may get someone who doesn’t care about your vehicle the way they should. If this happens, they could actually do more damage to it during towing, which will end up costing you more in the end.

There have been situations where the chains were hooked in the wrong place and it caused damage to the front of the towed vehicle. Drivers have even been known to not hook the vehicle securely, which resulted in the automobile coming loose and rolling into traffic where it was hit by other drivers.

The right towing companies will make a difference by taking precautions to not make a bad situation worse. They will arrive as fast as possible to get you off the road. They will know how to hook your vehicle up properly to avoid causing more damage and they will always act in a courteous and professional manner.

Some vehicles require a flat bed when towing instead of the regular tow truck. A good towing company will know what you need as soon as soon they learn what type of vehicle you drive. As a result, they won’t send out a regular wrecker to tow in an automobile that needs a flat bed. In other words, they are prepared, knowledgeable and available when you need them.

By choosing a roadside assistance plan with towing service, you can rest assured that the right towing companies will be called and you’ll get fast, professional help when you need it most.

Why Choose Tow Service with Roadside Assistance

When choosing a roadside assistance plan, you’ll need to decide what services you want to have. At first, you may not consider the tow service especially if you have a new car or keep the maintenance up on your vehicle. However, there are many great reasons for choosing this service.

Did you know that many brand new vehicles that have never been driven before have broken down within a month or two after being purchase, leaving the owner stranded? When you invest in a new car, truck, van, etc., you automatically expect to drive it for years before having any major issues but that’s not always the case.

Consider how many vehicles go through the assembly line each day and the fact that the people building them are only human. One small, simple mistake can make the world of difference and be the deciding factor in whether or not the vehicle has problems early on in ownership. The engine could blow or the transmission could be flawed.

It can and does happen, which is one of the reasons new vehicles come with extended warranties that will protect the owner in the event a manufacturer’s flaw occurs. However, this isn’t going to help you if you happen to be one of the unlucky consumers whose new vehicle leaves them stranded on the side of the road. This warranty is not going to tow your vehicle to a garage and get you and your family to a safe area but roadside assistance with towing service will.

That scenario may seem a little extreme and it is true that the majority of new vehicles are fine but the point is that anything can happen, anytime to any vehicle so you need to be prepared. You may never need this service but in the event that you do, you’ll be glad that you made the decision to include it in your roadside assistance plan.

You know that your family will be protected and that with just one phone call, you can have someone on the way to help. This is the reason for getting roadside coverage to begin with, so why not make sure you are fully covered by getting the main types of coverage even if you don’t foresee any reason why you would need it. This type of coverage helps you prepare for the unforeseen events that often occur.

If you’re thinking you can just call a towing service to come out if you ever find yourself in this predicament, you can. However, it will cost you about as much or more for the one tow than the tow service with a roadside assistance plan would cost and you don’t get any other benefits.

In addition, you run the risk of not finding a reliable or trustworthy company that will do their best to take care of your vehicle during towing or someone that will get to you as fast as possible. If you include tow service in your roadside assistance plan, you never have to worry about it.