Best Roadside Service is an auto club with all calls answered in the US. Get the best service at the best price with Best Roadside Service, serving consumer and commercial needs in the US and Canada since 1985!

Choosing the Best Motorcycle Roadside Assistance Plan

Motorcycle roadside assistance plans are a lot different today than they used to be. They cover a lot more and offer you more benefits than ever before. Most companies even offer you the opportunity to choose between two different types of policies. One is a personal policy that covers you instead of the bike. If you drive different ones, this would be ideal because you are protected no matter which motorcycle you’re riding.

It even covers you if you borrow someone else’s bike. What would you do if you took a friends bike out and had a flat. You don’t want to call them up and ask them to come get you. If you have the personal roadside assistance plan, you don’t have to. One phone call and a towing service will be on their way to take you to the closest garage so you can take care of the situation.

The other one covers the motorcycle. If you choose the second option, it covers your bike even when someone else is driving it. Therefore, if you let a friend or family member ride it and something happens, that person would be entitled to all the services offered in the plan that you chose.

Choosing a Motorcycle Roadside Assistance Plan

Before you choose a motorcycle roadside assistance plan, find out what the services offered in each plan covers. It’s important to get enough coverage to take care of your needs. For this reason, the full package is recommended. That way, you have access to all of the services and you’re fully prepared for most anything that could leave you stranded on the side of the road.

Your emergency services include towing, flat tire service, lost key service, fuel delivery and jumpstart service. Other options include trip and routing service, concierge service and personal service. You can get discounts on hotels, restaurants and more that can help save you money when traveling.

Tips on Choosing a Plan

Consider how much you ride, how far you go and whether or not you’re the only one who rides the bike when picking out which plan is best for you. If you ride every chance you get or do a lot of traveling, the full package would be the most beneficial since it offers so many extras like discounts and routing services. If you only ride your bike occasionally and don’t venture too far away from home, a plan that covers the basic services like towing, flat tire and jumpstart might work best.

Once you decide what type of services you need, you can start looking at the different companies to determine which one has the services you want at the best price. The Internet is a great tool that will help you compare different companies fast and easy. You can see what services they offer and compare prices with a simple click of the mouse.

The Right Towing Company Will Make a Difference

When you find yourself broke down on the side of the road and there is no way to fix your vehicle, it’s a scary feeling. No one wants to be in this situation but it does happen to most everyone at some point. When it happens to you or a loved one, the right towing company will make a difference and this is one reason so many drivers have roadside assistance.

When you have this service with a plan that covers towing, you don’t have to worry about finding someone to move your vehicle. This is something that they will do for you. The roadside assistance company that you selected will already have a list of dependable towing companies available for the area where you’re located. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about trying to figure out whom to call.

They will also make the calls for you to find out which company is closest and which one can get there the fastest. Once you make the initial call to your representative, you can sit back, relax and wait for the tow truck to arrive.

If you’re calling someone on your own and you’re not in an area that you’re familiar with, the company you choose may not be dependable. They may take hours before showing up leaving you and your family stranded on the side of the road needlessly.

Another problem with just picking a name out of the phone book is that you may get someone who doesn’t care about your vehicle the way they should. If this happens, they could actually do more damage to it during towing, which will end up costing you more in the end.

There have been situations where the chains were hooked in the wrong place and it caused damage to the front of the towed vehicle. Drivers have even been known to not hook the vehicle securely, which resulted in the automobile coming loose and rolling into traffic where it was hit by other drivers.

The right towing companies will make a difference by taking precautions to not make a bad situation worse. They will arrive as fast as possible to get you off the road. They will know how to hook your vehicle up properly to avoid causing more damage and they will always act in a courteous and professional manner.

Some vehicles require a flat bed when towing instead of the regular tow truck. A good towing company will know what you need as soon as soon they learn what type of vehicle you drive. As a result, they won’t send out a regular wrecker to tow in an automobile that needs a flat bed. In other words, they are prepared, knowledgeable and available when you need them.

By choosing a roadside assistance plan with towing service, you can rest assured that the right towing companies will be called and you’ll get fast, professional help when you need it most.

Why You Should Join an Auto Club

If you spend more than an hour on the road, chances are you’ll see at least one vehicle sitting on the side of the road broke down. If that person is a member of an auto club, they will have help on the way soon but if they’re not, they may be stranded for awhile. If they don’t have the cash on hand to pay for having the vehicle towed or a friend that can help move the automobile, they may be forced to leave it sitting until they can figure out what to do.

There are a couple of problems with leaving your vehicle unattended. First, you run the risk of it being vandalized, which is going to cost you even more money to get it up and running again. Even if you’re in an area where you don’t have to worry about vandals, you still can’t leave your vehicle on the side of the road or in a parking lot for very long.

If you are on private property, the owner of that property or business has a right to have your vehicle towed off their property. If it’s actually on the side of the road, most areas will give you three to five days to take care of the problem after which time the state will have it towed. The local police will place different color stickers on the vehicle to remind the owner that it will be towed at the end of the allotted time.

How many times have you seen stickers on vehicles left sitting on the side of the road? It would probably be safe to say that the owner of these vehicles do not belong to an auto club or have any type of roadside assistance because if they did, this problem would have already been taken care of. Can you imagine the stress the owners must be going through trying to figure out what to do? They need to get their automobile moved before it’s too late and outrageous charges for towing and storage are added to their troubles.

Aren’t you glad it’s not you in this predicament? The thing is, if you’re not a member of an auto club or if you don’t have any type of roadside assistance, you may find yourself in the exact same situation one day. Would you be able to get your vehicle home if it left you stranded?

When you have roadside assistance, depending on which plan you choose, the service will send someone out to change your tire if you have a flat, bring you fuel if you run out before you make it to the gas station and jump off your vehicle if your battery goes dead. They also provide towing services. The roadside assistance is just one of the reasons why you should join an auto club. They have many other benefits, too.

Why Choose Tow Service with Roadside Assistance

When choosing a roadside assistance plan, you’ll need to decide what services you want to have. At first, you may not consider the tow service especially if you have a new car or keep the maintenance up on your vehicle. However, there are many great reasons for choosing this service.

Did you know that many brand new vehicles that have never been driven before have broken down within a month or two after being purchase, leaving the owner stranded? When you invest in a new car, truck, van, etc., you automatically expect to drive it for years before having any major issues but that’s not always the case.

Consider how many vehicles go through the assembly line each day and the fact that the people building them are only human. One small, simple mistake can make the world of difference and be the deciding factor in whether or not the vehicle has problems early on in ownership. The engine could blow or the transmission could be flawed.

It can and does happen, which is one of the reasons new vehicles come with extended warranties that will protect the owner in the event a manufacturer’s flaw occurs. However, this isn’t going to help you if you happen to be one of the unlucky consumers whose new vehicle leaves them stranded on the side of the road. This warranty is not going to tow your vehicle to a garage and get you and your family to a safe area but roadside assistance with towing service will.

That scenario may seem a little extreme and it is true that the majority of new vehicles are fine but the point is that anything can happen, anytime to any vehicle so you need to be prepared. You may never need this service but in the event that you do, you’ll be glad that you made the decision to include it in your roadside assistance plan.

You know that your family will be protected and that with just one phone call, you can have someone on the way to help. This is the reason for getting roadside coverage to begin with, so why not make sure you are fully covered by getting the main types of coverage even if you don’t foresee any reason why you would need it. This type of coverage helps you prepare for the unforeseen events that often occur.

If you’re thinking you can just call a towing service to come out if you ever find yourself in this predicament, you can. However, it will cost you about as much or more for the one tow than the tow service with a roadside assistance plan would cost and you don’t get any other benefits.

In addition, you run the risk of not finding a reliable or trustworthy company that will do their best to take care of your vehicle during towing or someone that will get to you as fast as possible. If you include tow service in your roadside assistance plan, you never have to worry about it.

Tips for Choosing the Best Car Clubs with Roadside Assistance

There are many car clubs available with roadside assistance and other benefits. In fact, there are so many of them around that it can be difficult to choose the one that would suit your needs the best. Since different drivers need different types of services, clubs offer a variety of services and benefits to choose from.

Instead of just picking one and hoping you get the best, it’s a good idea to pick out a few different clubs and compare them. This way, you can determine which one has the services you need the most for the best price.

Here are a few tips for choosing the best roadside assistance car clubs:

  • The best way to compare services and prices is to use the Internet. It makes it easy to see what the clubs have to offer. This way, you can do a side-by-side comparison to determine which one would serve your needs the best.
  • If friends or family have told you about a good club, then take time to check it out, too. It may end up being the one you’re searching for even if they don’t have a website.
  • Find out what type of roadside assistance they offer along with other benefits.
  • Ask about the different types of discounts they have to offer.
  • Check references and read user reviews to see what other members have to say about the club.
  • Determine what your needs are and look for a club that offers the services that you would use the most.

If you do a lot of traveling, then a club that offers long-distance towing services, traveling services, maps and routing information would be the most beneficial. If you drive an RV when on vacation, then a club offering discounts on RV Resorts, restaurants and so forth would be a good choice. Do you visit theme parks regularly or go to movie theaters, some car clubs offer discounts to these.

After narrowing down your options make a few phone calls and talk to the representatives to see how they respond to your questions and concerns. This will give you a good idea of whether or not they are knowledgeable and it will give you an idea of what type of environment the club offers.

A friendly, knowledgeable representative usually means a good environment where you’ll feel comfortable. However, you may want to avoid any clubs where the representative is rude, inattentive or seem confused about the services they have to offer.

Once you learn all you can about the different car clubs, you can make a good, informed decision and choose the one that provides you with the type of service you need the most.

Why Parents with Teens Need Roadside Assistance Plans

Parents with teens old enough to drive need the security a roadside assistance plan can provide. You want to do everything to make sure your kids are safe when on the road. You tell them not to talk or text when behind the wheel. You give them curfews and you monitor where they go but are you prepared for an emergency.

No matter how safe you feel your vehicles are, things often happen without warning. Sometimes there are subtle warnings that, as an inexperienced driver, your teen won’t notice until it’s too late. When something does happen, it’s nice to know that you have a roadside assistance plan that will help get them up and running again or at least towed to safety.

Roadside assistance plans cover a variety of situations. Do you have a teen that tends to ignore the gas hand? For this reason, you always worry that he will run out of gas. Then you need a plan that covers fuel delivery. Do you worry about your teen locking the keys in the car or losing the keys when she is out somewhere? Then you need lockout/lost key service.

When you have the protection this type of coverage offers, you won’t have to get off work to put enough fuel in the car to get it to the gas station or use your extra set of keys to unlock the door when they are accidentally locked inside.

Another thing to consider is that teens offer need the vehicle on evenings and weekends, which is when many businesses are closed. If you need any kind of locksmith or towing services after regular business hours and you have to call them out yourself, it’s considered an emergency service and the cost goes way up.

However, when you have the protection that roadside assistance plans provide, you won’t have to worry about finding someone to help you or how much it’s going to cost. You call the company, explain the situation and as long as your plan covers that type of incident, help will be on the way.

Anytime a member of the family is stranded somewhere, you’re going to worry about them until the situation is resolved and they’re safely on their way home or to their destination. When you have coverage that provides services to help remedy some of these problems, you can have peace of mind and not worry so much about your teen drivers when they on the road and you’ll be covered as well.

No matter how careful you are, or how well you keep up your vehicles, things happen. Sometimes, it’s human error and sometimes, things just happen without warning. It would be impossible to be fully prepared for everything that could happen when you’re on the road. However, becoming a member of a reliable auto club hat offers a variety of roadside assistance plans is a great way to start.

How Motorcycle Towing Can Benefit You

Do you drive a motorcycle? Do you have roadside assistance motorcycle towing services? If you do, then you already know about all of the benefits it has to offer but if not, you’re missing out. Motorcycles, like other vehicles can have flats, engine trouble and dead batteries.

However, you can’t carry a spare or many tools around with you on a bike like you can in a car, truck or van. Even if you do have the tools you need and the mechanical ability to fix the problem, working on your motorcycle on the side of the road can be very dangerous.

Imagine being stuck on a highway or in a rural area where you’re miles away from the nearest garage and you break down. The engine stalls and the bike won’t crank. You’re stuck until someone comes to help and motorcycles don’t offer any protection from the elements. If there are no shade trees near the road or some business where you can push your bike off the road and wait, you’re probably going to get very uncomfortable, very fast.

You could be stranded for hours waiting for a friend or family member to get back with a truck to help or you’ll have to pay a significant amount of money for a towing service. If you belong to an auto club with assistance for motorcycle towing, you can relax. Help will be on the way with one call and someone will pick you and your motorcycle up and tow you to safety.

The two main types of motorcycle coverage include the personal policy and the vehicle policy. The personal policy is usually the most expensive and it gives you coverage even when you are riding with someone else or riding someone else’s bike. The vehicle policy covers your motorcycle even if someone else is riding it. This is great to have if you share your bike with someone else and it is a little cheaper than the personal policy.

Having motorcycle towing and other roadside assistance services is a valuable asset for any driver. It provides you with the peace of mind you need to relax and enjoy your ride. You can go on long rides with groups or take your kids for a ride around town and not have to worry about being stuck on the side of the road. If something does happen, you’re prepared.

You may never need to use the services provided by this coverage but if you do, it’s nice to know that you have it and that everything will be handled in a fast and professional manner. Most coverage plans are very affordable so most anyone can have this type of protection. When you think about it, the cost is a small price to pay for the security and peace of mind roadside assistance with motorcycle towing has to offer.

Do You Need Roadside Assistance?

You hear a lot about roadside assistance and how it can benefit you but have you ever stopped to think about just how beneficial it can really be? If you don’t do a lot of traveling or go far from home, you may not see how it can benefit you but there are always situations when having this type of coverage can be a lifesaver.

For example, many people rent their home instead of buying. When you’re a renter, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to move from one location to another. If you make the move yourself, then you will be hauling all of your furniture and personal belongings on a truck, van or perhaps you have a utility trailer.

Imagine driving to your new home, your truck is fully loaded and the transmission goes out. You’re stuck on the side of the road with a large portion of your personal belongings. What will do? If you have belong to an auto club you can call for help and have the vehicle, along with all of your things, towed to your home so you can at least unload it. This will be a big relief even though you still have to deal with fixing your truck.

Here’s another scenario that has left many families stranded trying to decide what to do next. You have a trailer full of furniture and it gets a flat tire. You can’t change the tire on a trailer with regular tools when it’s fully loaded. It’s too heavy. You need a floor jack to lift it up and that’s not something most people carry around with them so what do you do now?

You can unload it and sit all of your things on the side of the road, change the tire and then repack everything again. That’s going to take hours and a lot of hard work so it’s not the ideal thing to do. You can unhook the trailer and leave it on the side of the road while you go and try to find help.

But who wants to leave all or even part of their personal belongings sitting on the road unattended? Someone could stay with the trailer until you get back but that’s not very safe so it’s not a good idea either. Even if you have friends or family that could help, they may not be available when you need them.

The only thing left to do is to try to find a garage nearby that will send someone out to help. However, that’s going to take some time, especially if you don’t have any idea of what type of services are available in the area. You may be on the phone for hours before you find someone to help and then, you still have to wait until they have time to show up.

You can’t always prevent things from happening but if you have roadside assistance with a plan that covers flat tires and towing, you only need to make one phone call. The representative for the company will take your information and get you help right away. They have the resources to find someone in the area with the equipment needed to change the tire on a fully loaded utility trailer or to tow your vehicle home.

Roadside assistance can eliminate the hassles and the worry by providing you with the services you need, when you need them, regardless of what type of situation you find yourself in.

Why You Need Roadside Assistance with Towing Services

There are many reasons why you need roadside assistance with towing services but when you try to think of them, your mind may go blank. It’s hard to picture anything happening that would leave you stranded, especially if you take good care of your vehicles. But things do happen unexpectedly that can put you or a family member in danger. Consider the following scenario.

Your teenage daughter is all excited because she just gotten her driver’s license. She is ready to drive herself to her friend’s house, the mall and all of the other places you’ve been driving her over the years. This is great news because now you have more time and freedom to do things you want to do, or is it?

Her best friend lives off the main road in an area that you never were crazy about driving on yourself. What if she has car trouble late one night and ends up stuck out on this mostly deserted road? What if she couldn’t get the vehicle completely off the road? Someone else could come along and hit her while she’s stranded helplessly waiting for you to come rescue her. How long will it take you to get to her from your home?

Assuming that she is safe until you arrive, if there is something seriously wrong with the vehicle and you cannot get it to run good enough to drive it home, what are you going to do? How will you get it back to your home or to a garage where it can be fixed? You can’t leave it in the road.

Even if you manage to get it off the road enough that it won’t obstruct traffic, it’s the perfect target for vandals that can break windows, steal the stereo system and so forth. People have even had their tires stolen when they had to leave their vehicles sitting on the side of the road overnight. If something like this happens to your vehicle, it’s going to cost you even more to get it repaired on top of whatever caused the original problem.

So what do you do? You can call a tow truck and have your car towed home but this is going to be expensive. If you’ve ever had to call for a tow truck late at night, then you know that sometimes it can be hard to get someone to come out and you usually have to wait a long time. On top of that, it seems like the rates go up after regular business hours. You’re required to make payment right away, too in most cases.

There is a solution to this problem. When you have roadside assistance with towing services, you won’t have to worry. One phone call and there will be someone on the way to pick up the vehicle within minutes. They may even arrive before you do and already be hooking up to get both your daughter and your vehicle out of harm’s way.

The next time you’re trying to decide whether you really need roadside assistance with towing services, consider this scenario. It could be your daughter, son or even you stranded somewhere and if you have this type of protection, you won’t have to worry. Help is on the way within minutes.

Road Service for Trucks

Are you looking for road service for your truck? This is a common request by truck owners because some roadside assistance plans only cover certain types of vehicles. If you own your own truck or a fleet of trucks, you need a way to stay safe when on the highway. Having some type of roadside assistance to help you or your drivers when something unexpected happens is the best way to do this.

Different roadside assistance companies offer different road services for trucks so you’ll need to find one that offers the services you need. However, there are some services that all companies should include in order to keep your trucks fully protected on the open road. Here are some of the services you can expect to find.

  • Flat tire
  • Winching/Extrication
  • Jumpstart
  • Towing
  • Fuel delivery
  • Lockout

You never know when you’ll need one of these services and if you have a roadside assistance plan, it will help get you back on the road a lot faster. You can also choose between different packages to customize your service and get the one that best suits your business. Be sure to ask about any limits that might be set on towing, fuel delivery, lockout or any other services they offer.

Here are a few of the things that you should look for when shopping for road service for trucks:

  • Reliability – How reliable is the company when it comes to providing the services you need? This is very important. You don’t want you or your drivers stuck out on the highway and discover that you can’t depend on the company you chose to get there fast.
  • Accessibility – You need to be able to reach the company when you need to. Do they offer 24-hour service seven days a week? If not, what are you suppose to do if you have a problem when the office is closed?
  • Customer service – How fast do they respond to your concerns and do they go that extra step to make sure they provide you with the best service possible.
  • Service calls – How many service calls are you allowed per year and what happens if you need extra?
  • Vehicle specific coverage – The service should provide vehicle specific coverage that covers the vehicle not the driver. This way, it doesn’t matter who is driving the truck, you have coverage when you need it.

Finding a service that you can trust to take care of your needs is vital to any business small or large. You can usually receive a quote on price by providing a list of vehicles and other relevant information. Use this information to help you find the best road service for your trucks.