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Preparing Your New Teenage Driver for the Road

Do you have a new teen who is getting ready to hit the road? Driving is a rite of passage for most young people but it can be a very scary time indeed for parents. You want to help ensure your teen is safe on the road in as many ways as possible. So it all begins with proper preparation for the big event.

It’s one thing to learn how to drive on a safety course, but as we all know, things can go wrong when you’re out on the road. What if you get a flat tire? What if someone else hits you? What if there is some other problem and your teen doesn’t now how to react? These are the things you can do extra preparation for and your teen will feel comfortable no matter what happens on the road.

Here are some tips in preparing your new teenage driver for the road:

Do more than just driver’s education- Take driver’s ed to the next level. Don’t let it be enough for your teen just to pass. Also spend time driving with them, discussing certain driving scenarios and also being a good example of a safe driver yourself.

Practice makes perfect- If you want to have a safer teen driver, you’re going to need to let them practice, even if it is nerve-wracking. The more your teen gets to practice certain situations, the more comfortable he will be when they arise. So practice simple car control skills and also be sure he knows where all the basic controls are – windshield wipers, lights, emergency lights, etc.

Get roadside assistanceRoadside assistance is also very helpful in making sure your teen is safe on the road. Should they be out and about and something go wrong with the car, you want to know that your teen knows where to go for help. Your teen won’t ever be stranded with a flat tire, no gas or other troubles when you have a great roadside assistance plan.

Practice aggressive visual search – Often it’s not your teen that you need to be concerned with on the road. It’s all the other drivers and hazards that can be out there. So teach your teen something called aggressive visual search, where he looks around him, behind him and ahead of him for potential dangers. You have to watch more than just yourself when driving a vehicle.

With these tips, you can help prepare your new teenage driver for the road. Now sit back and try not to stress about it when he’s out. We all have to learn sometime, right?